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User Role Permissions
Updated over a week ago

When a new Team Member is added to an Organization, the user adding the individual will need to select the Role that the individual plays for an Organization. Below is an explanation of each role's permissions to help determine which Role should be selected.

For more information, please see our article on How to Add/Delete a Team Member (User)

Admin (Owner) - Full Privileges

    • Required for each Organization.

    • Receives Document Upload emails.

    • Can create reports.

    • Has the ability to both Add & Remove Team Members.

    • Can make changes to an Organization.

Admin - Full Privileges

    • Receives Document Upload emails.

    • Can create reports.

    • Can make changes to an Organization.

    • Has the ability to both Add & Remove Team Members.

Team Member

    • Receives Document Upload notification emails.

    • Can create reports.

    • Can make changes to an Organization.

    • Has the ability to both Add & Remove Team Members.

    • Cannot upgrade the privileges of another user to higher than their own permissions.


    • Does not receive Document Upload notification emails.

    • Can create reports.

    • Can make changes to an Organization.

    • Has the ability to both Add & Remove Team Members.

    • Cannot upgrade the privileges of another user to higher than their own permissions.

Viewer - Read Only Permissions

    • Can only view information and upload documents.

    • Can add comments to activity timeline and tag users.

    • Does not receive Document Upload emails.

    • Can send and receive chat messages.

    • Cannot send document requests.

    • Cannot review documents.

    • Cannot create reports.

    • Cannot make any changes to an Organization

    • Cannot Add or Remove Team Members.

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