We've added the ability to include your desired AM Best Rating and Financial Strength Indicator as Requirements within your Compliance Profile known as "pre-conditions". As "pre-conditions", these Requirements will have to be fulfilled first, before any other Requirements are considered complaints. This will make it so that in order for a Party to be fully compliant they'll need to have coverage through an insurer(s) with a rating and strength indicator you deem appropriate.
See the steps below to add these as Requirements!
Adding AM Best Rating & Financial Strength Indicator to an existing Compliance Profile
1 Using the sidebar menu located on the left side of the screen, click Settings. Then, click Compliance Profiles.
2 Next, click directly on the Name of the profile or the pencil icon to enter into the edit window.
3 Click on Add New Requirement.
4 Then, click or start typing in the provided text box to see options populate from a dropdown. Find and select AM Best Rating and choose Must Be Greater or Equal To.
5 Next, select your Rating Value (A++ to D-) from the dropdown.
6 Click the blue Add button.
7 Click on Add New Requirement.
8 Then, click or start typing in the provided text box to see options populate from a dropdown. Find and select AM Best Financial Strength and choose Must Be Greater or Equal To.
9 Next, select your Strength Value (VIII-XV) from the dropdown.
10 Click the blue Add button.
11 Repeat steps 3-10 for each Requirement Group (Line of Coverage) you have toggled on.
12 Once done adding to each Requirement Group, click the blue Save Changes button in the top right. You'll receive a Heads Up window notifying you that your changes will apply to any Party associated with this Compliance Profile, click Yes, Save Changes.