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How to Create a Compliance Profile
How to Create a Compliance Profile
Updated over 7 months ago

Compliance Profiles serve as the foundation for ensuring that the third party vendors (Parties) you do business with are holding to the contract requirements between you and them.

Each profile is made up of Modules. Modules represent a subset of compliance requirements. Each Module consists of additional subsections called Requirement Groups. Within each Requirement Group, the individual contract requirements to be tracked will be listed.

NOTE: Best practice is to use the insurance requirements from the contracts or agreements you have with your third parties as the foundation for building out your complete Compliance Profiles.

Creating a New Compliance Profile (Step by Step)

1 Using the sidebar menu located on the left side of the screen, click Workspace Settings. Then, click Compliance profiles.

2 Next, click + New profile button located towards the top right of the screen.

3 In the Compliance Profile Name text box, enter a specific name for your profile. This will help you differentiate from additional compliance profiles.

4 On the left-hand side under Compliance Modules, be sure to select all the relevant modules you'd like to have in your profile. Evidence of Insurance will always be selected as default. You can use the other forms to track things such as W9s, Professional Licenses, etc.

5 The selected Modules will appear in sections within the center of the page. Within each Module, toggle on (blue) or off (grey) the applicable Requirement Group(s).

6 Once toggled on, you'll notice certain default Requirements will appear. You can Edit or Delete these by selecting the Arrow next to each requirement.

7 To create Requirements within each Requirement Group, click the Add New Requirement option. Then, use the dropdown to select from the Standard Requirements or scroll to the bottom of the list and select Add Custom Requirement to create your own.

NOTE: Standard Requirements will appear as bold once saved, and Custom Requirements will remain non-bold.

8 If the Requirement you're adding has a numeric value (i.e. a limit), then select must be greater or equal to. To adjust your value, use the up and down arrows in the numbered text box or simply type it in. If the Requirement you're adding has no limit value, then select must be present.

NOTE: The up and down arrows will default to increments of $1,000,000.

9 To finalize adding a new Requirement, click the Add button.

10 Repeat steps 7-9 until you've added all your desired Requirements under each Requirement Group within each Module.

11 You can adjust the order of any Module, Requirement Group, or Requirement by hovering to the left of it, then clicking and dragging once your cursor turns into a hand.

12 Once your profile looks complete, click Create Compliance Profile at the top right to finalize this process.

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